Wednesday 5 March 2014

From “Mind” to “Matter”

Thanks mom for holding my tiny hands and teaching me to write, for today I can put my thoughts on paper. I remember right from when I was a toddler, English has been my favourite language and creative writing my interest, I would thoroughly enjoy assignments like making sentences using new words or proverbs or essay writing. As I grew up this passion for writing was like a ignored child which was never nurtured. I made attempts to revive this passion, but it was difficult to find the inspiration or energy or time in this quotidian lifestyle. I tried writing a few articles which never saw closure. Slowly and steadily the feeling of incompleteness started creeping in. There was something my life was lacking - my true passion. My curious self wanted new experiences, my heart wanted to share, my creative juices wanted to flow and my hands wanted to write. Thus, I began blogging.

Writing is a journey, whose destination is the reader. It is a journey, in which all your senses are passengers who make the journey worthwhile. Eyes, nose, tongue, skin and ears each helps you gather an "Experience". Its the heart that adds the emotional quotient and the "Mind" who knits the right words to create "Matter". So Mind is indeed the Captain, who is able to convert mere words to substance, that can evoke feelings in the reader. Some read for sheer pleasure, for some it may be a source of inspiration, some may be moved by it, for some it may be a relief from pain, some may find a solution in it… and so a writer can impact a reader in multifarious ways. Hence, I embark on my journey “From Mind to Matter”.