Monday 14 November 2016

Three roars to the Royal Bengal Tiger!!

Next time before you venture out on a wildlife safari to spot some scarce species, don’t forget to bribe "Luck". It doesn’t matter whether you go off-season or on-season, if "Luck" does not favour you; you will most likely end up on the wrong path. This is a key take-away from the trips that I took to the Ranthambore and the Sundarbans.

In the declining winters of March 2013, I visited the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve through an office offsite. We were excited and eager that we would spot a few tigers, assuming they would be sauntering around freely across the forest. We took two canter rides through different zones, in the morning and at noon, but the luck cupid didn’t strike us with its ‘Good luck arrow’. We did not even spot the pug marks of the Tiger. Disappointment and dejection momentarily resided in my heart for the few days following my trip, every time that I kept re-iterating my experience to others.

This year in September another chance to spot the wild cat came knocking at my door. What was special this time? I was visiting the kingdom of the Royal Bengal Tiger, and unlike normal safaris this was not on land but four continuous days on the boat.

I set out for this much-awaited escapade with diminished hopes of spotting a tiger as I was warned by friends that I was going in the Off – season.  Off-season! No concrete land! I wondered what were my odds to get a glimpse of the endangered beast. I silently said my prayers and re-iterated affirmative statements to shift the odds in my favour. I wanted to be lucky this time.

In life’s larger picture, time and luck are partners; the more time you invest in doing something the luckier or more successful you get. We invested our next four days on the boat wading through narrow channels and vast expanse of waters, in our quest for the wild. Once amidst nature time doesn’t run, it crawls, and it was matching up with the slow pace of our boat. Infact, you have no option but to be more patient, calm, observant, alert, focused and acceptable, there is no short-cut to success unlike in the city. Hence, we waited patiently, embraced solitude, immersed in the serenity and became one with nature.

After two days of hard luck, third day the conditions seemed conducive to catch some activity in the jungle. It was appropriate for the animals to venture out of their abodes.  The climate was pleasant, the sun played hide and seek, making the heat tolerable. The rains had also decided to stay away. We sailed through narrower channels unlike on the previous two days. We had set our cameras, binoculars and eyes on high alert vigilantly scanning through both the sides. Nature did bestow us with some visual and auditory pleasures like the elongated water monitors in action, tiny mud skippers’ fight, variety of birds and their melodious chirrups, colorful crabs and variety of trees. 

One sight that caught our attention was the fresh pug marks of a tiger at the edge of one of the islands. We hovered around the small island like detectives trying to catch a hidden criminal. On realizing there was no hope, leaving the narrow channels we reached the vast segment of the river. It was a rare spot to find the tiger in this area, hence we decided to rest our focused minds and feed our hungry selves.

Suddenly while we were preparing for lunch, our attentive local guide spotted a buoy like object floating in the water. He quickly saw through his binoculars, and lo and behold, it was the ‘Royal Bengal tiger’. Excitement oozed out of our patient heart as it finally saw victory after long hours of waiting. Our joy knew no bounds, spotting the ferocious cat unaware and in the wild was an experience of a life time. The pictures speak a thousand words:

First the head in the water

Head of the tiger swimming in the water

Fright on the face of the fright-inducing creature, on seeing our boat rush towards his side 

Swimming as fast as possible

Reached the land in a jiffy

Splish splash

Wet brown body glistening in the sun, and the orange head remains dry

Leaping on to land 

Darting to the bushes
Making its way to safety

Just 14 seconds from the silent water to the dense bushes 

Image credits: The credit for all these magnificient images goes to my co-tourist Lynden Zuzarte 

My attempt at drawing the tiger based purely on my imagination and memory: 

Even today reminiscing this trip fills my heart with ecstatic joy. It is these simple pleasures that are moments to treasure for life.   

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Being Alive!!
Fear of failure has killed many young lives,
most die old, and many young; while still alive.
Each day, dreams and hopes are born inside,
each day, they are killed by the fear of failure.
People choose to just live, not be alive.
‘What if I fail?’ is the seed soaked deep inside.
Every challenge life throws; opportunity that knocks,
people choose to ignore because of the ‘What if’s” inside.
That’s why people just live and not be alive.
They live the same life, all days of their life,
They live the average life, till they are alive.

Life, is to face fear; to experience what’s on the other side,
It’s to dream, fight fear, fail, and learn to be wise.
To fail is not a curse, it is a big boon,
it teaches you to be stronger, and smarter; to succeed soon.
It’s a necessary stop on your road to success;
to remind you, it’s only human to fail;  to pick yourself up and work again.
Once you experience failure, you'll  know it’s not that bad;
and only a positive attitude will help you rise back.
Start killing your small fears, before they kill you.
Start facing your fears and be more alive.
Live a life each day, where you feel happy you’re alive.
Live, such a life, that after you die; your name stays alive.

Note : Let's all begin our new year with the courage to fight all those small fears that create 'mountain out of mole hills' in our head. Most of the fears stop us from grabbing those small opportunities or taking risks, that may  have a win-win situation on the other side. I would wish all a fearless and prosperous new year. 

                                                     Ashwini Joshi

Saturday 22 August 2015

Boost thy Happy Hormones.

Hey you!! Yes You!! Are you one of those gaining patches of white hair or bald patches too early?? Or  counting sheep at night and battling sleepy eyelids during the day, at work?? Or buying clothes a size bigger each time you shop? Or constantly playing host to psychogenic ailments?? Or that upward curve on your lip has been replaced by the downward curves on your forehead? These are signs of “Vitamin ME” deficiency, no time for “Yourself”. To avoid such a deficiency a person has to lead a PROPER life. “PRO” is derived from the word “PRO- fessional” and “PER” is derived from the word “PER-sonal”.  It is a balance between the two. In layman terms, it also means “right”.

Here are few remedies, to increase “Vitamin ME” quotient and increase supply of happy hormones:

       Life is a PIE

Draw an imaginary pie diagram or even better use a pen and paper to do so. Allocate priority to each one in your life. This may also be termed as the “Priority Pie”. For 100% fulfillment in life, time must be spent with each one. Spend time by yourself and with your family each day, do not limit it to the weekend, maybe not for yourself but for them.

This reminds me of an incident quoted in a book authored by Ravi Subramaniam, where he talks about a chap who was disturbed having been chucked out of his job. Hearing this news his little girl was delighted, and was dancing around the house. When asked the reason for her joy, her innocence spoke up “Daddy, now that you are at home, you will have more time to spend with me.” The father was moved by her words, what he perceived negatively, his daughter saw a positive streak in it. The idea is to reduce those few extra after office hours and devote time to family, friends, pets and most importantly yourself. There is a life waiting to be explored, memories waiting to be created, laughter waiting to be shared, hobbies waiting to be touched and your loved ones waiting for you.

      Maintain a book of Life

Each individual has a different life, each life has a different story. You don't need to be an author to write a story or publish it for the world to read. Dedicate a book to yourself, write your own story, write your personal goals, things on your bucket list, your happy moments, your achievements, your generous deeds, your fear fighting moments, out of world experiences and all other experiences that added value to your life. Stick pictures, make it more interesting. While you are young, this book will boost you to gather as many experiences, and when you are old or your memory begins to fade, flipping those pages will make you feel “Yes !! life was well lived.”

      Travel to offbeat places/travel solo

Education is not limited only to your class rooms, learning does not stop within your office walls. Travel, is a form of education or learning that happens beyond four walls. Apart from relaxation and enjoyment, travel makes you unravel different cultures, acquaint oneself with new people, learn different dialect, garner wonderful experiences and try different cuisines. Travel with an open mind and heart, to come back enriched and enlightened. Travel to offbeat places, small or big does not matter. Go for a trip with an objective of learning something new or discovering yourself. Travel solo atleast once in your life (maybe alone with an organized group), maybe even a weekend trip will do. It's a self confidence booster, and you would surely not need  anyone to rely on, for that short break.

Follow YOLO (You Only Live Once)

Life is not a game of Mario, we don't know how many lives we have. This life is all we know of, it maybe uncertain but that should not stop you from taking risks, doing stuff out of your comfort zone and living life to the fullest. Live a life where you do what you love. Don't let time slip by, it ain't coming back.  Make every minute matter.

Being Humane

Most importantly happiness is felt and personal growth occurs when you use your skills to educate or spend time with people who may not be as blessed as you are. No better way to lead a purposeful life. Just how lighting one candle spreads light, doing one act of kindness will emit happiness.

So, toil, burn the midnight oil, but every once in a while. There is life outside, waiting to be lived. Be limitless, don’t limit your life to just one thing, when there are so many things on your bucket list, and which you conveniently push for someday, only to regret someday that you did not do those.   

                                                                                                                  -  Ashwini Joshi

Sunday 16 August 2015

The Inner Voice

Rest all are asleep, the conscience stays awake,
 if you're not sleepy, a conversation it makes.
In the silence of the night, it makes some noise;
if you've slept in the day, prepare to hear the inner voice;
for no sleep in your eyes and you're  left with no choice.

In the busy bustling day, the voice talks to you,
tells you what you should or shouldn't do.
While in the silence of the night, it reminds you,
tells you what you did or didn't do.

It poses many questions, followed by advice,
what you do that's wrong and how to make it right.
Have you been a good daughter, mother or wife?
Are you doing your job well or not adding value to life?

Are you in pursuit of your passion or chasing that dream?
Or living in fear and living someone else's dream?
Are you consciously and daily taking care of your health?
Or you ignore that body as you are busy chasing wealth.
Are you happy in your heart or only on your face?
for no time for yourself, as you're running the rat race.

So, talks of life and advice on that, go on and on, non stop,
till you slowly fall asleep, as your eye lids begin to drop.
That constant friend, true guide, that inner voice, is your soul,
the only time it shall leave you, when it has to play a new role.

To listen or not to listen is a choice you have to make,
It's motto is to keep you happy, whatever decision you take.
So that tiny inner voice goes on and on, without a break,
and keeps whispering from inside, in life while you 're awake.
-          Ashwini Joshi

Sunday 12 July 2015

Turtle story.

Under the warmth of the sand,
and not the heat of its mother,
the egg shell cracked open,
as the sand began to smother.
Out popped a turtle, and sadly no other.
T'was a sad welcome, no mother, no father.
T'was a cold and quiet night,
his mom had come, to the shore,
she had dropped many eggs, a hundred and four.
She hid them in a pit, and then she was gone,
Then few days later this baby was born.
This tiny innocent soul got me thinking,
who din’t know where he was, not even an inkling.
No food for his hunger, no hand to hold on to,
No parents to guide, no siblings by his side.
Yet his tiny feeble feet, began to march slow,
towards the big unknown sea, where only he could go.
Blessed are most humans, who have loved ones who care,
to train us and protect us till we are unaware.

PS: This poem is inspired by this teeny tiny creature I saw at the "Velas Turtle Festival  - Welcoming Baby Turtles", at Velas last year in March 2014.

-          Ashwini Joshi

Saturday 4 July 2015


Crimson hue, with a black shiny zipper;
Round stroller wheels and rock solid texture;
I was seated near the window, for the world to see;
I was waiting to be bought, for the world, to be seen.

A young man walked up, and looked at my price;
and as I was not expensive, for my size,
he made the decision so wise.
Hurrah!! atlast my chance had come;
For someone’s fellow traveler I had become.

Excited, I was from the first day I was made;
To travel all over the world, Italy, Spain and Adelaide;
And so, most of my dreams did come true,
as I experienced so many places new.

Travelled by buses, cars, ships, and trains,
I flew over the birds, as I travelled by planes.
In Luxurious resorts, inns and fancy cup boards I stayed,
best were the memories in the rustic village, that were made.

Fascinated were the kids with my wheels that would roll,
Pulling out my handle they would take me for a stroll.
Met many new people, and met the other bags,
we shared amazing travel stories, experiences and gags.

One day as I sat at the airport waiting for my flight,
A beautiful pink bag with a blue hat caught my sight,
Fell flat when I saw her, my joy knew no bound,
It felt my love of life, I had found.

Lucky I was and I am thankful to the one above,
The pink bag belonged to my owners lady love.
And indeed that was the best trip of my life,
As I had met my wife, in this journey called life.

       -          Ashwini Joshi

Sunday 24 May 2015


You made me laugh,
cause of you I cried,
Hid my feelings so true,
for you I lied.

For you I felt weak,
you kept me strong.
You said it was alright,
when things went wrong.

Loved the solid connect,
of our mind and our heart.
Drifted away sometimes,
but could never stay apart.

Talks of love and talks of life,
senseless talks and talks so wise,
giggles, cuddles, dates and drives,
only few things that limited our lives.

Companionship and closeness,
the heart would scream.
We knew it was not real,
was all just in dreams.

Sometimes in life,
I wonder why we meet,
if we only have to meet, depart and repeat.

Still someday when I am old,
I would rock on my chair,
reminiscing the best times in life,
when you were there.

And maybe shed a tear,
and a smile I shall wear.