Wednesday 6 January 2016

Being Alive!!
Fear of failure has killed many young lives,
most die old, and many young; while still alive.
Each day, dreams and hopes are born inside,
each day, they are killed by the fear of failure.
People choose to just live, not be alive.
‘What if I fail?’ is the seed soaked deep inside.
Every challenge life throws; opportunity that knocks,
people choose to ignore because of the ‘What if’s” inside.
That’s why people just live and not be alive.
They live the same life, all days of their life,
They live the average life, till they are alive.

Life, is to face fear; to experience what’s on the other side,
It’s to dream, fight fear, fail, and learn to be wise.
To fail is not a curse, it is a big boon,
it teaches you to be stronger, and smarter; to succeed soon.
It’s a necessary stop on your road to success;
to remind you, it’s only human to fail;  to pick yourself up and work again.
Once you experience failure, you'll  know it’s not that bad;
and only a positive attitude will help you rise back.
Start killing your small fears, before they kill you.
Start facing your fears and be more alive.
Live a life each day, where you feel happy you’re alive.
Live, such a life, that after you die; your name stays alive.

Note : Let's all begin our new year with the courage to fight all those small fears that create 'mountain out of mole hills' in our head. Most of the fears stop us from grabbing those small opportunities or taking risks, that may  have a win-win situation on the other side. I would wish all a fearless and prosperous new year. 

                                                     Ashwini Joshi

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